The Guiding Light



Character 1

Health &

Character 2

Addiction Podcast

The mission is to be a beacon of guidance and hope for individuals navigating the challenging terrain of addiction and mental health.

We are dedicated to illuminating the path to recovery, fostering understanding, and offering support and inspiration.


Mental Health




Affected Others


Eating Disorders

We are more than a number however....

1 IN 4

Experience a mental health problem each year

8 IN 100

Mixed anxiety and depression

1 IN 5

People have suicidal thoughts

1 IN 14

People self-harm

1 IN 15

People attempt suicide

Podcast Episodes

Take a look at our most recent episodes.

Ben Howard

Listen On :

Meet Sofie Day

Listen On :

Meet Alice Hendy

Listen On :

Meet Perry Blake

Listen On :

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See what our amazing listeners have to say.

“Chris, being a part of The Guiding Light Podcast has been like watching you embark on a journey of enlightenment. Your discussions are not just conversations; they’re beacons of wisdom, illuminating the complexities of human connections. As a father, I couldn’t be prouder to see you co-hosting a show that not only shares insights but also fosters understanding. Your voice, your thoughts – they resonate like a guiding light for those navigating the intricacies of social dynamics. Keep shining, my son, and continue to be a source of inspiration for others on this remarkable podcast journey.”

John Gilham


“As a listener, The Guiding Light Podcast has become my compass in navigating the vast sea of social dynamics. It doesn’t just provide answers; it invites you to ponder, question, and engage in meaningful reflection.”


Danny King


From the very first episode, I was hooked and eagerly anticipated each new release. This podcast has exceeded my expectations.




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